Inline skating across Indonesia in 2011

カナダ育ちの女性 Sacha Stevenson さんが2011年の5月から6月にかけてインドネシア横断した時のビデオが2012年の暮れに更新されていました。ちょっとスケートスキルが怪しいみたいですが、そのチャレンジ精神は見習いたいと思います。

Sacha Stevenson wrote:
I want to leave from Merak for Kuta by May 3rd, and arrive in Kuta sometime in June, 2011. I will be going at my own pace. For this trip I will be inline skating between 2-4 hours per day. I can go farther and faster with good skates on nice straight roads and slower on bumpy hilly roads. Rain will also slow me down but won't stop me. I expect to finish the trip in 30 days (more or less depending on conditions) but if there are any unexpected challenges along the way then I may take up to 40 days

Girl inline skates to Bali
A travel documentary featuring a canadian woman who decides to inline skate where literally no one has inline skated before... across Indonesia's most congested Island (Java) to Kuta, Bali. Along with a team of two Indonesians who protect her from behind in a car that seems to be falling apart more and more each day, they slowly make their way across what could be one of the most beautiful place on earth. Here is the epic tale.


Merak - Jakarta - Bandung - Ciamis - Lumbir - Jogja - Solo - Madiun - Mojokerto - Probolinggo - Jember - Banyuwangi - Gilimanuk - KUTA!

May3-4Merak - Jakarta127 km (Jn. Raya Jakarta) in 2 days
9-14Jakarta - Bandung158 km (Jl. Raya Bogor - Cianjur) in 5 days
15-17Bandung - Ciamis121 km (Jl. Malangbong - Ciawi) 3 days
18-19Ciamis - Lumbir87 km (Jl. Cilacap-Ciamis) in 3 days
20-22Lumbir - Jogja91 km (Jl. Wates) in 4 days
23Jogja - Solo65 km (Jl. raya Jogja-Solo) in 1 day
24-25Solo - Madiun114 km (Jl. raya Solo) in 2 days
26-28Madiun - Mojokerto120 km (Jl. raya Baron) in 3 days
June29-1Mojokerto - Probolinggo101 km (Jl. Mojokerto-Gempol) in 3 days
2-3Probolinggo - Jember96 km (Jl. Lumajang-Jember) in 2 days
4-6Jember - Banyuwangi106 km (Jl. Jember-Banyuwangi) in 3 days
6Banyuwangi-Gilimanuk NAIK KAPAL
7-10Gilimanuk - Kuta130 km (Jl. yeh embang) in 3 days
Girl inline skates to Bali (Bule on Blades):
Sacha Stevenson: (Facebook)

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